Ways To Stay Healthy

Ways To Stay Healthy

Ways to stay healthy Working in an office is not without its perks: you typically have preset hours, a steady salary, coworkers to mingle with, and vacation time. However it has its downfalls too, one of the biggest being that it’s the place that most people start to really pack on the pounds because they’re sitting at a desk all day and all of those restaurant or fast food lunches add up.

Ways To Stay Healthy

Luckily there are some easy ways that you can combat accumulating any unnecessary flab brought about by your desk job. When they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, they mean it. You quite literally are “breaking your fast” from food. For more informative blogs visit self blown

Eat Breakfast

If you think about it, the span of time from dinner to breakfast is the longest amount of time throughout a day that you go without taking in any calories, so it’s important to get some nutritious food in your body first thing in the morning to rev up your metabolism for the day. Ways to stay healthy  Plus if you don’t eat breakfast you’ll end up famished and potentially over-eating by lunchtime.

  • Pack a Lunch

Restaurant fare is typically loaded with fat, calories, and sodium, not to mention more than one portion size. Because most people believe that they have to eat everything on their plates, this means that they end up eating way more calories than they need to in one sitting, which is one way to pack on serious pounds in a short amount of time. Ways to stay healthy By bringing your lunch to work with you you’re able to control the types of food you’re eating and the portion size, so you can have a well-balanced lunch that leaves you satisfied and not stuffed.

  • Skip the Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks such as sodas, flavored coffees, fruit juices, or drinks of that nature are full of empty calories that do nothing for you except expand your waistline. Instead stick to water and black coffee or tea to avoid any extra calories that could be used on food. If you aren’t a fan of water on its own you can buy flavored drink mixers that have little to no calories for an extra punch of flavor without the calories and if you can’t stomach black coffee just make sure you only use the serving size of creamer.

  • Bring Healthy Snacks

A lot of people don’t think twice about the bag of chips or the candy bar from the vending machine that they had for that mid-afternoon snack, but those calories count too Ways to stay healthy. Instead keep your desk stocked with healthy snacks such as almonds or peanut butter so that when that afternoon hunger hits you’re ready. Just be careful because those calories can add up quickly if you don’t watch your portion sizes.

  • Move Every Hour

Instead of sitting at your desk for eight hours straight try to get up and move around for a few minutes every hour. Every step counts, and while a short five minute walk every hour doesn’t take the place of regular exercise it is better than doing nothing at all. Ways to stay healthy Plus it’ll get your blood flowing and help you avoid crashing at some point during the day.

Sitting at a desk all day doesn’t have to mean automatic weight gain. You can keep the pounds off with a few simple tweaks to your day, and your waistline (and most likely your wallet!) will thank you in the long run.

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